Aktualno v zib biltenu
  • bolezni srca in ožilja v Sloveniji med največjimi javnozdravstvenimi problemi
  • WHO opozarja na pomanjkanje napredka pri omejevanju pitja alkohola v EU
  • zasebni zdravniki v odzivu združenju zdravstvenih zvodov
  • v Zdravstvenem domu Domžale novi koraki v skrbi za duševno zdravje otrok

Ali ste vedeli...

...da oranžna barva žari med rdečo in rumeno, toploto in življenjem. Simbolizira komunikativnost, delavnost in kreativnost, tudi veselje, zrelost in rast.  Je igriva in spominja na sončni vzhod.

So slikarji, ki spremenijo sonce v rumeni madež; toda so tudi drugi, ki rumeni madež spremenijo v sonce.
Pablo Picasso

zib bilten zdravstvo

Zib bilten is a web publication which provides daily information on current events in the field of healthcare. To subscribers it saves time at the beginning of the business day.

Zib bilten presents concisely the work and decisions of the Ministry of Health and of the Government, of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia and of other insurance companies, of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, of regional public health institutes, hospitals, primary health care centres, drug stores, chambers and trade union federations in the field of healthcare service, follows the activity of the National Assembly and in particular of the Committee on Health. It monitors the developments in domestic and foreign pharmaceutical industry. It records events and decisions on the way to the EU.

Zib bilten summarises releases of the Slovene Press Agency, of newsletter articles and comments in national and regional bulletins, as well as health contributions on radio and television stations. It makes public points/emphases from chamber bulletins and association magazines on health care. Articles from the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia have also been published, together with web access to the documents, the addresses of health documents, summaries of acts relevant to health service, contents of public tenders, lists of public procurements and workplace announcements.

Zib bilten came out in May 1999 and offers about 250 issues a year. On 3rd December 2019 the 5000th issue was released. In the data archive overview there are more than 69 thousand articles. This publication comes out regularly on work days; it can also be received electronically or on the website, where electronic archive is available, accompanied with bulletins and additional materials.

Mali (little) zib bilten

Within the subscription to the ZIB bilten the editorial board also offers Mali ZIB bilten which subscribers receive electronically every day between ten and twelve o'clock in the morning. Mali ZIB bilten presents selected publications from mass media and is an announcement of heading Mediji (Media) from bulletin which appears the next day.


The editor of Bilten zib is Anka Štrukelj Fras, univ. dipl. nov. (BJur). In the eighties she was journalist - commentator of newspapers Dnevnik and Delo. Her interest sphere was non-commercial fields, especially social assistance, health care and budget policy. At the end of eighties, she was editor of publications of the interest health and social security communities. Between 1991 and 1999 she was the press representative of the Ministry of Health. The same year she founded her private firm Zdravstveno informacijski biro (Bureau of Health Information) and started publishing zib, daily health bulletin. From January 2016 the company is lead by Igor Tršar.

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